Recebi o Título de "Embaixador para Assuntos Sociais, Cultura e Humanidade para o Brasil" pela Order of the Southern Cross - OSC
Eu, Osvaldo Junior Pansera Waczuk gostaria de compartilhar que no dia 11 de Outubro de 2012 recebi o Título de Embaixador para Questões Sociais, Cultura e Humanidade pela Ordem do Cruzeiro do Sul, motivo pelo qual muito me orgulha em estar representando meu país pelo mundo e levar as causas sociais, humanitárias e culturais como virtude para a construção de uma sociedade mais igualitária, justa e fraterna.
Gostaria de agradecer primeiramente a Deus por este grandioso reconhecimento, ao Commander General Gran Master da Ordem Michael Thornley pelo ilustre convite e distinta indicação e a minha família que sem a qual não seria nada nesta vida.
"A Ordem do Cruzeiro do Sul" é uma organização humanitária internacional que foi fundada sobre as virtudes nobres dos antigos códigos de cavalaria "
Nossos objetivos são
- Para alcançar a paz internacional e os cuidados de nossos filhos globais.
- Esforçar-se para a Unidade, Fé e Caridade "
- Para alcançar a paz, o amor e a Boa Vontade para toda a humanidade.
- Acolher e respeitar as pessoas todas as crenças.
- Observar a Regra de Ouro, como é evidente em todas as religiões, o que é a "tratar os outros com amor e respeito, assim como você gostaria de ser tratado por eles"
- A trabalhar juntos como irmãos e irmãs na luta para tornar o mundo um lugar melhor para todos.
Amor e luz,
Commander General Michael Thornley
Grand Master, The Order of the Southern Cross.
The Order of the Southern Cross Organisation [OSC] is a non-profit entity. We are registered as an NGO with the Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination (OESC), a division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the United Nations. Our members champion our cause through their good works in their communities with an emphasis on the education, health and well-being of our global children. We also pride ourselves in being a voice for those unable to speak out such as all the living things that inhabit Mother Earth with us. They to have the right to exist and provide a balance to our world.There is no fee or any other monetary value attached to the Order and membership is granted on merit. We work together as a family sharing our expertise; knowledge and our vast networks to provide guidance, mentoring and a global presence for those less fortunate than ourselves. We create 'choice' for those that perhaps do not have a 'choice' in life. This is a basic right for all to have! So join with us and make a difference!
A message from the Commander General & Grand Master of the OSC
"The Order of the Southern Cross [OSC] is a humanitarian organisation. We are not an Order of Chivalry yet pride ourselves on chivalric morals and virtues. Our members are volunteers who share their expertise and knowledge with one another in order to achieve peace and ensure the well-being of our global children. The role of our administrative officers i.e National Commanders and State/Provincial Lieutenants is to be a 'voice' for the OSC and to seek like minded people to join with us. It is also their role to identify charitable projects or social issues that are relevant in their regions and work in the field where possible to assist in these endeavours. The OSC is a network of many talented people and we are here to support all members in the best way we can...........Michael Thornley, Grand Master."For the purposes of administration, the OSC is divided into geographical regions as follows-
- Global leader of the OSC - Commander General & Grand Master
- Continental Command- Grand Marshals
- Grand Commanderies Countries/ Indigenous groups- National Commanders
- Commanderies - Commanders
- Regional Divisions- Lieutenant Commanders
- States/Provinces- Lieutenants
- Districts- District Captains
- Chapters- Captains
- Youth Famly Chapters- Youth Captains
An example would be
- USA Grand Commandery of the OSC
- USA Western Region of the OSC
- Californian State Lieutenancy
- Los Angeles District of the OSC
- ABC Chapter of the OSC
- XYZ Youth family Chapter of the OSC
The Order of the Southern Cross is a registered NGO with the United Nations.
Mais informações sobre a distinta e nobre Ordem através do site:
Abraços fraternos,
Conde Osvaldo Junior Pansera Waczuk.